Early Interventions

Today (now yesterday) was Reagan's annual review with  Early Interventions. I really didn't know much about Early Interventions when I got that call shortly after the triplets were born. I almost declined, but am so glad that I decided to meet with the coordinator who first gathered information and then set up a time in our home to test for services.

When Reagan was born with a cleft lip and palate a referral was made on his behalf.  He was also born with Torticollis, basically his head tilts to the right.  A group of therapists have been coming  into our home over the last year.  They originally all came together for the initial evaluation and determined after testing that he qualified for speech (for the cleft)  occupational therapy (for fine motor skills) and physical therapy (for his low muscle tone.)  Some came weekly and others came every other week.

Having these appointments in our home has been a little bit of a juggle, but definitley favorbale than having to take three babies out to these various appointments. Since Reagan entered into the program, he has gained strength, but it looks like poor muscle tone will always stick with him. That is not to say that with continued exercises this can continue to improve. After a series of tests to determine re-eligibility with each therapist there was generally not much concern about his development, adding he  is so "smart" when performing  certain skills that he was tested on. For example; placing rings back on the pole, finding the toy that was hidden under a blanket, holding a crayon properly and attempting to draw with it, etc.  At the end of his testing, they were all eager to discharge him, but decided that they would continue to follow him since he was already enrolled in to the program. Why not follow him, right?  PT will stay on board every other week to continue to help him with strength.  Speech will up their visits to once weekly to help with words and feeding. And OT will check in with him every 3 months, just to make sure that he continues to do well.

I can't say enough good things about these therapists. Very family centered and supportive in knowing that I am mother of triplets. They understood that sometimes the homework that they gave me, was not possible to complete. Early Interventions was a great decision and I look forward to the continued visits right here at home sweet home.  Here is a link that gives a nice explanation about the history of Early Interventions and what they do http://www.firstsigns.org/treatment/EI.htm

Speech Therapist working on strengthening.

This is called a tri-chew. Helps with jaw strengthening.

Just a few weeks ago. PT outside.
PT. It's hard to do the side to side exercise any more, now that he is bigger.

PT sure is fun. 


  1. How wonderful to have them come to you. I can't imagine all the troop movement all those appointments would have required.


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