Our tree is still up, but I guess were still in the grace period of it being acceptable before neighbors start wondering. At least that is what my husband told me yesterday when I was commenting how our next door neighbor took their tree down on New Years Eve and when did he think we should take ours down. He said Christmas ended on January 6th, but didn't tell me why. So this morning I decided I was going to google that.
Well I just did. Apparently my husband knew what he was talking about. According to catholicism.com, they state that Catholics traditionally did not take their trees down until January 7th, the day after Epiphany (I'm Episcopalian, close enough) and the twelve days of Christmas begins on Christmas Day. Well SOMETHING tells me that I should know this already (like years ago). Maybe I did, but I just forgot. Oops. By now, I have probably already embarrassed my mother, if she is reading this blog. Sorry mom, I honestly am getting better at paying attention.
Okay, tthis is what I have decided. I like traditions, don't we all? And now that I have learned more about the traditional date of when to take down the Christmas date, I will make this one ours too.
January 7th it is!
So until then, the triplets will continue to have their morning bottle by the Christmas tree, just as we did this morning, and have been doing every morning since Christmas Day.
PS:And just in case your wondering how I have managed to blog three days in a row now. The last two days I had my husband home during the day and today Reagan had PT here at home for an hour and the girls played in their pack and play while I figured this all out!
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