It's Cow Time and They like it!

On the Triplets 12 month wellness visit on Monday, they were given the green light to switch to "Cows Milk." Although I knew the time was coming, I found myself a little resistant to the idea. I even asked, shouldn't we wait based on their adjusted age being only 10 1/2 months and not  yet 12 months. Nope was what I got.

So, yesterday, I bought their first 1/2 gallon of milk. Of course it had to be Organic!  I was told they should have between 16oz and 24oz a day. That's 9 cups a day and this holds 8 cups. So that's a whole lot of milk. By the way, just in case your wondering why whole? The first 2 years babies need the fat, then they are switched to low fat or skim.  Makes sense. 

Today after lunch I decided that I would introduce them to this fatty milk.  I assumed it would be a no go on the initial try, so I started with just a little little bit, 2oz in each bottle. They surprised me! They liked it and Susannah was the first to finish! I wondered though what she was thinking while staring rather intently at her bottle.
