Morning naps might be a thing of the past.

It's 10:00 in the morning and I have changed 9 diapers since the triplets got up at 7am.  Just thought I should document that. It's a typical morning so far, except for we're in the play room at this hour.

The last few days the triplets have been hedging on their morning nap. The routine has been to take them directly from their high chair after breakfast and right up the stairs to their cribs.  Looks like  I might be losing a morning nap, or maybe just postponing it to a later time.

Well now, it's 11:00 and I have three sleeping babies. This time running up two flights of stairs with a baby and plopping right into the crib and back down those stairs and grabbing another baby.  What a breeze! None of them made a peep and out they went! As for the messy room, it's their fault. They like throwing the things that I place in their to play with out of their crib!

My breather station. And then off to the kitchen to peel and dice that sweet potato that I will steam for their lunch.

Oh and I'll have to talk about that. "Stations." A must have with organizing life with Triplets. 
