Yesterday the triplets turned 17 months!
My My My how the months are rolling by. This is such an awesome time in their development. I think the latest milestone update was several months ago. There has been a lot of milestones met since then and I do promise to write a separate blog on that tonight. I'm racing for time now as my little love bugs are on their morning nap.
As you can see the jogging stroller is back and we all are off and running. That will be a separate post too! Turns out we did have the key and it just required a little WD-40.
When we made it to the lakefront, the triplets ate their lunch, while watching the tennis players.
They seem pretty focused.
They even watched the bikers and the runners go by.
Next we headed over to the ball field right next to the tennis courts. Time for them to run off their lunch! I also wanted to get a picture of the three of them sitting on this bench, but it wasn't happening. I couldn't "RUN" fast enough to get them all to sit at the same time.
See what I mean.
So this is what we did instead.
It was hard to just choose one, so here are several.
Yep, that's Kathleen crying. Not sure why.
Looks like she just wants loose.
Now she has the cup.
Yep, Susannah wants loose too!
Check out the hair... windy windy,
Set free. And off they go, this time with their sun hats on.
Oh it's going to be a fun summer.
And as their Grandmother said today. "Aren't you glad you live right there." Yes, we sure are!
Daily outing comments from our passer byers:
"That's quite the tribe."
"Now, that's a crowd."
"Triplets? Nice!"
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