Fortunately, Reagan has been as healthy as a horse and has had no illnesses or ear infections since he was born. So in spite of getting familiar with putting on another gown and seeing him carried away by the anesthesiologist, we know we are blessed that is all we were there for.
Not only that, but heck even getting to the hospital is uneventful, when it could be a big ordeal in trying to get too early in the morning. We clocked 7 minutes from departure to arrival and less than 15 minutes to the registration. I think we surprised a few people, when they saw all of us at such an early hour. Even the ENT doctor said, "OH" you brought everyone. But for us it made sense to bring everyone, that is how we have done everything up to this point. We all go.
By the way, his triplet sister Kathleen took the above picture. Not bad, huh? See that bar in front of him? That's the stroller she and Susannah are sitting in. She is becoming a good photographer.
After Reagan's procedure we headed to the cafeteria.
It is always something we enjoy and who wouldn't with this kind of view.
And finally the top three random things people said today ( and my thought to hearing it).
You're like a rock star to me. (really?)
I know you have a busy house. (you think?)
Do they all have different personalities? (oh come on!)
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