Follow up to todays earlier blog

A little follow up. 

So how did the day go? Did we make it outside in this teen degree weather? 

Yes, we did!  

Today made me feel like I did when I was 11 living in Maine in the dead of winter with the cold air hitting against your skin. A bit of a tingle and tightening. Being in the cold wakes you up. Makes you feel alive. And when you come out of it, you always appreciate the coziness and warmth of being back indoors! As the day was nearing and only a little more than an hour of light left, I thought of my mothers story of how her mother (my Gramma) was told to take her outdoors every day by her pediatrician,  saying "I don't care how cold it is Audrey, you bundle her up and take her out." Probably not the exact words (even though I just put that in quotes) but the idea was that don't let the temperature be an excuse to not go outdoors, it's a healthy thing to do and just do it.

Seriously though, when you're all bundled up, getting outdoors can do wonders.
(By the way, the helmets they are wearing was Kathleen's idea).

 Energized happy babies.
