Before heading upstairs for their morning nap, I changed some diapers and the babies helped themselves to an apple. I don't have a diaper changing station per say and never have. I don't like a lot of extra stuff in the house as my husband is still learning (or trying to learn) like when he walked through the door the other morning with a office size projector. What on earth do we need with that? Anyways, I gave him a deadline that it needs to find another home, or I could think of one pretty quick (smile). Okay, back to not having a diaper changing station, the one with shelves and drawers that you put stuff in like diapers, wipes, cream, etc. Who would think that a mother of triplets would be just fine without one. Well this one is and I honesty never have wished for one either.
Here's the thing, living in a single home dwelling in the city, square footage is not so great, so being most efficient with space is a must. Especially with someone like me who needs to have things to a 'T" in other words perfect and in order with my household of six. Of course, I have my days that things fall apart, but ideally that is how things fly in our triplet world. I keep it real simple and my babies bottoms get planted right in the middle of our dining room table. Super efficient. Inside the buffet drawer right next to the table I have all that I need to get down to business. One diaper pad for the table (of course I cover it) and diapers and wipes, etc. Once done, everything goes right back into the drawer and there's no evidence that we actually change 20 plus diapers daily in this house.
And that is how they got the apple they are holding. They just helped themselves. After all it was all within arms reach. When setting up my station, I forgot to the move the fruit tray!

Okay, well two!
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