This winter has been off to a fierce start with sub zero temps and lots of snow. This has meant being intimate here at home and becoming creative with what's in the cupboards and in the fridge. When you throw in some candles and soft music playing in the back ground a simple special time has been created.
The rest of the night was just as simple. It had been snowing all day and before heading up stairs with my husband to change the triplets into their PJ's, I stepped outside to take it all in. And how grateful I am that I did.
Once back inside, I announced to my husband that as soon as we get their PJ's on, we were headed back downstairs. I had almost forgotten that the triplets turned 23 months today and last New Years we had taken a picture of them in front of the tree and that this is the year to make that a annual event!
So, that is what we did.
We even made a little video that can be seen at the bottom of this post.
And finally...back to 2013 reflections.
What were some of mine.
Here it Goes.
It was a year of taking it one day at a time.
Some times one hour at a time.
It was a year of saying at the end of the day "We did it!"
Raising Triplets gives you this "Victorious" feeling.
Some times Jordan and I did a high five.
It was a year of using humor and crying to get through some of those moments (those moments I will save for another post).
It was a year filled with lots of pictures and videos. Okay more than LOTS.
It was year filled with health and safety.
No one was seen by the pediatrician for illness or injury.
It has been a year of accepting that "Running with Triplets" has had to take leave from running on more than one occasion and knows that she will come back.
My running days are far from over.
It was a year that I turned 50 (still need to write about that - I will).
It was a year that we had our first road trip and attended Victoria, my cousins wedding in Pa and visited my godfather for 2 nights.
It was year that I became a gramma (Lola I will be called, but I have also tossed Nanna around in my head.. better decide soon!).
It was year of watching my first born Richard shine in his sculpting business getchainsawart.com and watching my daughter in law remain supportive
and driving force through all of it.
It was a year of watching my second born Jordan continue to grow and taking on the role now as the "older brother" to his triplet siblings.
And after 25 years It was the YEAR that my husband and his brother Bernard were finally reunited and having him and my sister in law Mercy visit with us.
A year filled with many things.
We ALL have many things to look back on and reflect. I hope you have had your time to do this. Life does move. It moves quickly. And because "Life" continues to move forward.
Learning to stop can be hard. I'm doing this now while in the back of my little head I have a million little things to do... one things I know is that there will always be a million things to do and it can wait!
Here's to 2014! Happy New Year!
PS: And to my children ... all of you....remember to stop and reflect
and then get busy with moving forward.
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