When the triplets turned two just a few weeks ago, the plan was to take them to a play room. But because of it seeming like it would be too much for us to handle and perhaps make the day more stressful and less enjoyable, I announced to my husband that we could go on another day and instead enjoy cake and balloons at home. I am really glad that we decided to do just that, as we could never had enjoyed the day as we ended up having if we had gone.
Staying home together and not forcing too much in one day was the right thing. One of the benefits of getting older and feeling good about, is that you begin to listen to more of what's inside your head (or gut) and make better decisions. At least that is what I am finding with myself. I'm a late bloomer I guess.
Well another day did come and we did get the opportunity to take them. I did a lot of searches for playrooms and one of my criteria was cleanliness and after ruling out Chuck E. Cheese for their bad reviews, I came across this playroom, The Purple Monkey that have won several awards. The Triplets have never been to a playroom and other than taking them to the neighborhood parks this summer, they have had very little interaction with other kids, so my mission is to give them these kind of opportunites, while my husbands mission is just slightly different.
When my husband came home from work the other morning and said he heard on the radio that the museums in Chicago were free today and wanted to know if I wanted to take the Triplets (don't you just love his optimism) I politely said "No"and asked if we could instead take them to the playroom that we were going to take them to on their birthday? Without hesitation he said "Yes." Again, love my husband. But what I really love most about him is that he already knows which kind of museum they will enjoy most, by stating, "They seem to be more into science kinds of things, instead of the arts, so we could take them to the Museum of Science and Industry." So sweet. My response. Really? "Well dear, yes yes... I'm sure they will have an interest in the Science Museum and maybe even the Art Museum (smile) one day, but before we do that, can we just take them to the playroom today?
And boy am I glad that we did. Not only did the kids love the playroom, so did my husband. He got to enjoy himself in a nice relaxing environment with a cup of coffee, while watching the kids play and discover. I enjoyed myself too, immensely, while watching them run and play freely with excitement. Even Jordan had a great time watching his brother and sisters play. There were only two other toddlers as we arrived about an hour before closing, but even so, the triplets still got a chance to play with someone other that their sibling, as Reagan did with this little boy.
Staying home together and not forcing too much in one day was the right thing. One of the benefits of getting older and feeling good about, is that you begin to listen to more of what's inside your head (or gut) and make better decisions. At least that is what I am finding with myself. I'm a late bloomer I guess.
Well another day did come and we did get the opportunity to take them. I did a lot of searches for playrooms and one of my criteria was cleanliness and after ruling out Chuck E. Cheese for their bad reviews, I came across this playroom, The Purple Monkey that have won several awards. The Triplets have never been to a playroom and other than taking them to the neighborhood parks this summer, they have had very little interaction with other kids, so my mission is to give them these kind of opportunites, while my husbands mission is just slightly different.
When my husband came home from work the other morning and said he heard on the radio that the museums in Chicago were free today and wanted to know if I wanted to take the Triplets (don't you just love his optimism) I politely said "No"and asked if we could instead take them to the playroom that we were going to take them to on their birthday? Without hesitation he said "Yes." Again, love my husband. But what I really love most about him is that he already knows which kind of museum they will enjoy most, by stating, "They seem to be more into science kinds of things, instead of the arts, so we could take them to the Museum of Science and Industry." So sweet. My response. Really? "Well dear, yes yes... I'm sure they will have an interest in the Science Museum and maybe even the Art Museum (smile) one day, but before we do that, can we just take them to the playroom today?
And boy am I glad that we did. Not only did the kids love the playroom, so did my husband. He got to enjoy himself in a nice relaxing environment with a cup of coffee, while watching the kids play and discover. I enjoyed myself too, immensely, while watching them run and play freely with excitement. Even Jordan had a great time watching his brother and sisters play. There were only two other toddlers as we arrived about an hour before closing, but even so, the triplets still got a chance to play with someone other that their sibling, as Reagan did with this little boy.
And finally a little video.
Maybe next time we will go to the Museum Of Science and Industry.
Our children are molded by their experiences. And I hope to give them many.
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