It really happened. The triplets turned two last Friday. I knew this day would come and I remember those first few months thinking it would take forever to arrive. Well in some ways it did, but mostly it just kind of landed out of no where.
My mother asked me recently, so how does it feel to have 3 two year olds? I didn't answer, because I was still trying to decide on how I felt. I was letting things simmer. This is why I blog. It gives me the ability to do just that. So I will just keep talking, or writng rather, until that feeling arrives. Hmmm....Okay..... it's brewing...getting close.... ah ha... here it comes!
Well for starters, it feels like an outer body experience. Yep, that's how it feels having three 2 year olds. What exactly do I mean by that? I mean just that! It feels like an outer body experience.
I get up every day with the mindset, "Bring it on, I'm ready" and before I know it I am wavering in and out of this feeling. Sometimes getting them their room to my room in the morning to change their overnight diapers is just enough to get it started. The first one doesn't want me to put them down; clinging to me for dear life, while someone else is screaming, sometimes two, to hurry back for them. That is quite the delimena to be in.
Then there is mealtime, which I feel like is an all day process! I mean all day! I cannot wait until summer comes and we disappear with a cooler full of snacks and drinks. My sweet toddlers think there is only one of them and three of me. They are either in a serve me now mode or don't serve me mode and they mean it. It ain't pretty either. Sippy cups start flying, food starts hitting the floor, and I am once again battleling this 'feeling."
Oh and then there is hold me now! Now! Not one, but three at the same time. I am holding one, sometimes two, while the other is pleading mercily hanging off my leg wanting to be picked up too. Someimtes I just drop to the foor and let them all have me. I have been bit, slapped, glassed yanked off my face... during times like this. I am just scratching the surface, but rather than go on and possibly have you enter into this feeling as well. I will stop.
My mother asked me recently, so how does it feel to have 3 two year olds? I didn't answer, because I was still trying to decide on how I felt. I was letting things simmer. This is why I blog. It gives me the ability to do just that. So I will just keep talking, or writng rather, until that feeling arrives. Hmmm....Okay..... it's brewing...getting close.... ah ha... here it comes!
Well for starters, it feels like an outer body experience. Yep, that's how it feels having three 2 year olds. What exactly do I mean by that? I mean just that! It feels like an outer body experience.
I get up every day with the mindset, "Bring it on, I'm ready" and before I know it I am wavering in and out of this feeling. Sometimes getting them their room to my room in the morning to change their overnight diapers is just enough to get it started. The first one doesn't want me to put them down; clinging to me for dear life, while someone else is screaming, sometimes two, to hurry back for them. That is quite the delimena to be in.
Then there is mealtime, which I feel like is an all day process! I mean all day! I cannot wait until summer comes and we disappear with a cooler full of snacks and drinks. My sweet toddlers think there is only one of them and three of me. They are either in a serve me now mode or don't serve me mode and they mean it. It ain't pretty either. Sippy cups start flying, food starts hitting the floor, and I am once again battleling this 'feeling."
Oh and then there is hold me now! Now! Not one, but three at the same time. I am holding one, sometimes two, while the other is pleading mercily hanging off my leg wanting to be picked up too. Someimtes I just drop to the foor and let them all have me. I have been bit, slapped, glassed yanked off my face... during times like this. I am just scratching the surface, but rather than go on and possibly have you enter into this feeling as well. I will stop.
Rasing kids period is a huge tiring job.
It is just three times the feeling with everything when you have three at one time!
Oh. I'll add one. Sharing Elmo. I need two more.
But, and that is a BUT. I get three times the joy too.
And THAT is the best outer body experience!
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