What's that you ask? I did too.
A quick google search and I got my information. This is what Medline says "Otitis media with effusion (OME) is when there is thick or sticky fluid behind the eardrum in the middle ear, but there is no ear infection." Okay then. That explains why he failed the OAE part of the audiology testing on Tuesday.
We learned this, this morning on Reagan's ENT surgeons office visit. We also got the news that both his ear tubes had come out and they need to go back in given that he is a cleft palate child and will have problems with drainage without them. That procedure will occur in a few weeks and after he has been medically cleared.
Reagan also still has a fever that has persisted since Wednesday. Last night he slept with me so I could keep a close eye on him with a dose of Tylenol during the night. I suppose the fever is related to an infection given that his lymph nodes are swollen and he has an infection on his face and body, but just to be sure I left a message with his pediatrician to update her with this information.
This week has been a record for doctor visits. 6 visits. 3 specialist. Yesterday was GI. Poopy samples are to be gathered and blood test was taken.
Even with 103.2 fever he still is roughing out. I think I need to do some cuddle time.
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