I always think that I will find the time to get that elaborate long newsy post out. That's why it has been 2 months since I have written. It's time for a reality check. Unless there is some special occasion, I think my blog is going to be to the point and simple. With the triplets facebook page I have no problems with posting daily, sometimes a few times in a day. So obviously that works and I will just do the same here. Iphones have great apps and I have the blogger right on my phone and pictures can be taken right from it and a post can be dictated. I will give that a try.
For example I posted this picture this morning to the kids page. Easy peasy. Take picture and upload. I have a treadmill in the laundry room. My husband bought it several months ago when we were tossing the idea of running the Chicago Marathon. Running in our house has really suffered since becoming pregant with the triplets and I have fell off the ban wagon too many times. I wonder why??? My husband totally fell off. We eventually did decide to sign up for the marathon and I was off to a fast start. I broke out the triplet running stroller and we got going. This has proven to be a difficult task to keep up and on the days that I could not get out there with them, I resorted to the basement. Torture. Pure torture. I would start a run putting them in their cribs for their nap and would monitor them from my phone... sometimes it would work, sometimes I had to stop the run, because a nap just was not happening and their poor Dad was in the next room trying to sleep.
The idea of backing out of the goal of running the Chicago marathon crossed my mind. Maybe I need another year.... but the idea of quitting was met with a lot of resistance, I just couldn't talk myself into this idea. I had to come up with another plan that would put me back on track.
So back to the picture.
I set my alarm for 4:30 am this morning. Grabbed a coffee and threw my running shoes on, tossed their big brother the house phone and headed to the running path. Pure bliss!!!
When I made it to this point, I was convinced I was back on.

The idea of backing out of the goal of running the Chicago marathon crossed my mind. Maybe I need another year.... but the idea of quitting was met with a lot of resistance, I just couldn't talk myself into this idea. I had to come up with another plan that would put me back on track.
So back to the picture.
I set my alarm for 4:30 am this morning. Grabbed a coffee and threw my running shoes on, tossed their big brother the house phone and headed to the running path. Pure bliss!!!
When I made it to this point, I was convinced I was back on.
Now back at home.. showered.. a load of laundry on and a post all before 7:30.
Time to start the day!!! Be back soon!!!
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