I often tell people that I do my best thinking when I am out there running. And on Sunday when I had a long run... 16 miles... I had lots of time to think. One of the things I thought about, is how I miss having the kids with me. The last few months, they have only been out on a run a few times, and always as a group. I have never actually gone on a solo run with them, and found myself thinking that this would be one way to spend time with each of them alone; and have a little chit chat along the way. And for those that know me.. I don't like to chit chat on a run... but in this case, I would welcome it...
When I finished my long run, I told my husband of my idea and we could begin this on Tuesday, my next run (Mondays are rest days). Also, this way, instead of him carting off three kids to the park, he would be taking two. Not so bad.
So, today we did just that. Susannah was first to start. When I announced to her, that it was time to go running...she gave me a big smile and said "Me run Mommy." And yes we did. We ran 5 miles. A nice little run with my running pal. And in case your wondering how did I decide who went first? Simple. I played Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

One of our little chit chats, was telling her (when she noticed this dog running happily across the beach), is that when you live life and open your eyes to what's around you, you will be delighted with lots of simple things, that will make you smile.
I think she was delighted. I know I saw a smile.
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