I"Honey, I was thinking when we get home, maybe it would be the time to make the transition with the triplets. I think they might be ready to have their cribs converted into toddler beds." My husband agreed. So that is what we did. The rails came off on the first day upon returning from being away.
After we started the process, I called the triplets from downstairs and announced to them, "You're big girls and a big boy now, do you want to sleep in a big girl and big boy bed, and no more crib?"
A Unanimous YES!
Hearing that gave me a mixture of feeling both happy for them and a little teary eyed for me. I knew my babies were growing into little kids and we had reached yet another milestone of independence. They had already been sleeping on the floor for the last two weeks on a nice comfy feather bed (while visiting their grandparents) and taking naps on cots with success. So instead of waiting until they turned three (as originally planned), I decided to just keep the ball rolling and release my boucning little crib monkeys.
So... with the rails down ....I held my breath, closed my eyes, and shut the door.
Did they nap? Absolutely not.
That night was an active night. I suspected it would be. I was in and out of their room doing head counts all night long. The first time was when I heard a thug hit the floor (that was Kathleen; she was fine) the second time I found Reagan sleeping partly on Kathleen and partly underneath the crib... the third time, I found Kathleen on top of Reagan sleeping... the fourth time, I gave up and crawled into the bed with Kathleen. That was awfully uncomfortable. I won't do that again.
Day 2 naps weren't so hot either.
Big borther lends a helping hand.
As I finish this post, it's now day 5. I have resorted to lying smack dab in the middle of the floor during naps and at bedtime. I have taken the attitude that this will be my cross training for the day with rolling from side to side, up and down on my knees, lifting close to 30lbs times 100 times and grabbing hands and feet... until they finally realize, that Mom is in it to win it! I suspect it's going to take some time. Until then, we're just going to keep moving forward.
I do have to admit the best part about all of this is when they wake up and come down the stairs to find me on their very own and then hearing the words, "Mom, I'm awake now!" This just gives me the biggest smile!
So, the bouncing crib monkeys have been set free. I hope they don't try to bounce between beds now! It hasn't occurred to them yet!
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