So, how did my little butterflies fair on their first week of PreK? Classes began on Tuesday because of Labor Day; so just 4 short days!
And again off to another park to let them know that life hasn't changed that much! Just a little bit.
Tada! It's Friday, Day 4, and its raining. And kind of hard too! No problemo when you're driving a Nihola! I can't say enough on how glad I am that I took the plunge and got this!!! Just tickled!
Okay so now that we're loaded, how exactly did things go on this last day of their first week?
They came running out of their class each eagerly opening up their backpacks (only could get one picture and its Kathleen here) to show me what they made! Even their teacher gave me the thumbs up and said it was their best day yet! In fact it was her best 1st week in almost 8 years (and on crutches). So I told her high five too!
Life changes and life evolves. Thank god it happens slowly!
Day one was filled with lots of enthusiasm. I made a little video clip right before we headed out the door asking them about how they felt about going to school and I think they summed it up pretty well.
Reagan is a BOY and by that I mean he is ALL boy. He talked about wanting to take police cars, fire trucks, mail truck, ambulance. You know all those things with wheels. Even though he didn't bring any of these I'd say he nailed it with such a look of confidence!
And Susannah - she said " I really really like to go to school." What do you think? I'd say she was right!
I posted this picture of them on Facebook and I couldn't help but chuckle every time I looked at it. Their look!!!! My poor children look so terrified at the exact same time! Their grandmother didn't like it one bit and found it not so funny, but once I reassured her that the look was just for a second and they ended up being okay, she felt a better. And they were. But hey there is a lot going on for these guys.. Standing up against a wall. All these other kids doing the same thing getting ready to do the march into a room and their mom and dad saying "bye bye butterflies, see you soon. I get that look! But my babies survived their second day and I made sure they were off to a park to shake it off!
Day 3? What can I say? They were just plain hungry.
Well, my little Kathleen went from starting her week saying " just a little bit" to saying " no I"m scared, I'll miss you." There were a few tears for her, but by the time she got done with washing her hands and picking out a book and finding a place on the rug, she looked to be a bit calmer. I stole this picture from outside as I kept peering in the window to see how she was. I almost went back for her, but kept telling myself that she was going to be okay.
And she was. They all were.
My little butterflies haven't gone too far yet. And I think my Aunt was right when she said " they really haven't gone anywhere, it's just a short little break and that is why I don't' feel so sad. It's true... for our children too....they learn that we always come back!
Life changes and life evolves. Thank god it happens slowly!
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