Woman of Leisure!

I have formed an impression with people I don't even know.  

This morning a passing stranger (well sort of);  a woman whom I have ever only exchanged a smile and a nod over the last three years, spotted me sitting here all by myself. Typically she always saw me while cruising through the streets with the triplets with whatever apparatus. 

I had just dropped the kids off in the Nihola for their 2 hour morning PreK, and was treating myself to breakfast, when out of no where I hear a giggle of delight. She had stopped and with the sound of astonishment said "You look like a woman of leisure! I've never seen you look so relaxed!" And off she went.  Her excitement and delight for me really struck me and how other strangers reactions have also been the same when they see me without the kids.  They are confused and happy and delighted.   I guess I have - well -  WE  have... formed an impression over the last few years with all the familiar faces that I have only had time to give a smile and nod to.   This impression was good feedback for me. I had no idea that I was sitting there looking like a "Woman of Leisure." YES! 
