Christmas tree has been up!

It's been more than 9 weeks since the last blog post "woman of leisure" (ha!)  I swore when the kids started PreK in the fall I was going to be reading books, getting back to running, soaking in a hot tub and blogging more!  I guess I hadn't realized how  2.5 hours would fly and would be gobbled up! I haven't spent any of my time on ANY of these things.  But rather than bore both you and me with the mundane things of my life,  I'll just jump right back in here and pretend that none of this time has gone by and one day (I swear) I will be in a safe place to talk about more interesting things than laundry, sorting, cleaning, and on and on.... Who  was I kidding?! 

Getting ready for the holidays has been on the forefront with getting things festive at home with choosing a tree from the kids school! We managed to get it on the 1st, same as last year.
The plan was to just take it home and decorate it at later time, but the kids insisted that they decorate it and I gave in. How could I say no to such excitement in their requests?

I was thrilled and apparently a tad delusional that this was going to go so smoothly...inititially it did , but it soon turned into a game... Put them on... take them off. I was on to them. I moved everything to the top of the tree. They were onto me. They found chairs.

So I did this. 
Smart, huh?! 

I am going to stop now and get back to these artistic little ones who woke up wanting to paint. Winter break started today. Now to blog on field trips and holiday shows that happened this week! Be back soon. 
